Automated Assembly Systems
Turnkey Assembly Automation
Robotic Automation Systems expertise includes automation of assembly operations and turnkey automated assembly cells employed in plastic injection molding, insert molding and overmolding manufacturing processes.
Robotic Automation Systems automated assembly cells offer flexible, redeployable assembly and are custom designed and built for your specific application.
Automated assembly cells can include upstream pre-staging of parts, on-line or off-line assembly and downstream assembly operations.
Assembly Cell - Vision Inspection
Flexible redeployable custom turnkey assembly automation cell with vision inspection using an Epson SCARA robot in a plastic injection molding application
Turnkey Assembly Automation Cell
Automated turnkey assembly cell with hot stamping (tipping), vision inspection and downstream off-loading of plastic injection molded parts
Insert Molding Automated Assembly
Assembly automation cell for insert loading of bowl fed metal stamping inserts pre-staged at cavity centers and loaded for plastic insert molding using an ABB 6-axis robot with molded parts unloaded and presented to a camera for vision inspection verification
Automated High Speed Assembly Cell
RAS uses 5 Fanuc SCARA robots with IR vision to locate and assemble 5 different parts to produce a finished inspected product every 5 seconds transferring parts from station to station using a precise Index conveyor.
Assembly Automation
- Precision Assembly
- High Speed Assembly
- On-line or Off-line Assembly
- Cleanroom Applications
Automated Assembly Cells may include:
- Bowl Feeder or Part Orientation
- Conveyor Systems
- Vision Inspection/Orientation
- Flex Feeder
Robotic Automation Systems assembly automation offers:
- Improved Efficiency and Increased Productivity
- Reduced Cycle Time and Consistent Cycles
- Less Waste/Scrap
- Vision Inspection
- Assembly Verification
Getting Started
Contact Robotic Automation Systems to start a conversation about how we might help you with your assembly automation equipment needs.